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Yevette Zbinden
Light Workers
Welcome Lightworkers
I'm so glad you stopped by. I do not believe in coincidences. Below are a few reasons why we might be meeting and your Soul may have guided you here
If you resonate with any of the above then your in the right place!
So What Is A Lightworker?
This a term used to describe someone who is here to wake up to their truth and then share it with others. As far as I have come to understand, lightworkers are people who have an advanced Soul. The same as what you would consider an "Old Soul or Enlightened". Your Soul has had many, many incarnations here and usually other places, and planets as well. The reasons for being here on planet earth varies, however for the most part your Soul specifically chooses a time and life when the ability to remain connected to the spirit realm never goes away. As children we all have the ability to connect with the unseen world, which is how a 2 year old can see grandma who passed away, and it's why the "imaginary" friends are so real to children. A lightworker maintains this connection and this connection gives them the ability to remember everything they as a Soul has learned like skills, talents, knowledge, and abilities. Which explains why a lightworker is very intelligent and talented beyond their years. This connection also allows them to view the world through the eyes of their Soul. This gives them the ability to tap into a deep inner knowing about people, situations, and the world around them that often goes unnoticed by others. They also have abilities that go beyond the human's 5 senses. Unfortunately most lightworkers grow up not understanding why they are different, and for the sake of being accepted and not come across as wierdos or crazy they shut down their true self and try to blend in with family, friends, and society. However the more they try to run from who they are and why they are here the amount of difficulty and emotional pain increases until they choose to find answers and start the process of remembering.
Why are lightworkers here?
If you study lightworkers, you will find quite a bit of information as to why they are here, however I will share my own personal knowledge as to why. Through out our history lightworkers have shown up on planet earth and shared their knowledge and light and because of this the course of humanity has always shifted. Jesus, Buddha, and Socrates are just a few out of thousands who have changed the way humans understand life. And because of lightworkers like them, little by little this planet and all of life is gradually shifting it's awareness towards unity and oneness. We still have a ways to go, and this is one of the greatest reasons for the presence of lightworkers, to raise this planets awareness by embracing their own truth. By doing so the light within shines for all to see. The Soul itself also expands it's awarness of all that it is and can be. Nothing compares to the experience and feeling of living life both fully human and fully spirit!
What to do if you are a lightworker?
First off, you will have plenty of signs and synchronicities pointing you to each step. It's up to you to answer the call and walk the path that you were always meant to embark on. Is there a learning curve? Absolutely! Is this path scary? At first yes, but once you learn how to navigate within it, life becomes very gratifying and for the first time, you will finally feel alive! So if you resonate with what I have shared and you want to step into your true path and purpose don't hesitate! Take the first steps and embrace all that you are and all that you are becoming! For me, understanding my Soul Blueprint has made this journey of remembering who I am and why I am here so much simpler. It is the light that I am here to share with fellow lightworkers. And together we are all shifting the awareness of the planet. Now it's your turn and time to share your light! NAMASTE
What are you waiting for book your session now
Learn all about your Soul Blueprint and uncover your truth and your purpose. I look forward to speaking with you!